
First-time storyteller Steve Kernaghan won our “Panic Switch” Story Slam with his tale of sharing an awkward situation with his students. Steve took home the prized pint glass and earned a slot in our 2018 Grand Slam, which will take place on Tuesday, November 13th.

We heard some fascinating stories of panicked people tonight. We learned how a doctor relays surgery news to loved ones after the patient has caught fire. We heard about dealing with panic attacks with a therapist. We listened to a tale of panic while on an African safari, and tales of panic in a movie theater and a bus among other places. Thanks to all our storytellers, our judges and everyone who came out tonight.

Our next Story Slam is themed Fright Night and will take place on Tuesday, October 9th. Grab your tickets by clicking HERE.

Check out Steve’s winning story below. To watch other stories told on the night, click on over to the West Chester Story Slam YouTube Channel.
