Emcee Mikey Gleason with winning storyteller Ethan Frankel

Emcee Mikey Gleason with winning storyteller Ethan Frankel

Ethan Tankel edged out his brother and the other storytellers to win our “Fright Night” Story Slam! Ethan won a prized pint glass and earned the final slot in the 2018 West Chester Story Slam GRAND SLAM, which will take place on Tuesday, November 13th.

Ethan told a story of sneaking into an abandoned mental asylum and accidentally ending up behind the fence of a prison. We heard many takes on the theme “Fright Night,” from hosting carnies, to poking one’s finger into a real life brain. We heard about a visitor who practically moved into a dorm even through they weren’t registered in the school. We heard about the panic attack of finding a man in one’s bedroom, and the fear of sleeping in a cabin in the Jersey Pine Barrens. Chuck talked about the fright of telling his parents he’d failed out of high school, and Cindy explained the tense moments after being in a car accident while nine months pregnant. Thanks to all our storytellers, our judges and everyone who came out on this fine night.

Tickets for the 2018 West Chester Story Slam GRAND SLAM are on sale now. The theme for the GRAND SLAM is Happy Days! This event takes place at the Chester County Historical Society on Tuesday, November 13th at 8pm. There is no food and drink at this venue, so grab your dinner in town and then walk over. The GRAND SLAM has sold out in the past so please purchase your tickets soon by clicking HERE.

Check out Ethan’s winning story below. To watch other stories told on the night, click on over to the West Chester Story Slam YouTube Channel.
